Thursday 17 January 2013

Israel Election Fever

I'm really finding the elections here to be so much more interesting than elections in the UK ever were. Today I found a pamphlet on the street (actually pamphlets all over the street). In English, it said:

"We have a mesorah from Rav Naftali Amsterdam (tztl, ty"a, etc) from his Rebbe Rav  Yisroel Salanter (zt'l etc) and from his rebbe and his rebbe all the way back to Eliyahu Hanavi for the way to deal with the state.
And we should know that this comes from the sitra achara (the dark side) and we all must strengthen ourselves to withstand it...
And he said that anyone who does not participate in the elections is from 'The seven thousand who did not bow down to (the idol) Ba'al' and so it is in the days before Moshiach."

The cynical may wonder how it was that Rav Salanter or indeed Eliyahu Hanavi knew that one should not vote in these elections. but the cynical would then be showing themselves up because clearly it was from God.

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