Monday 15 April 2013

Yom Ha'atzmaut and the Bull

Has anyone ever thought about the significance of yom ha'atzmaut falling in the month of Iyar? 

I notice now that from the beginning of the month, it's all already yom ha'atzmaut, kind of like how all of the month of Kislev is now the month of Chanukah. 

The month of Nissan is represented by the lamb - it stands for God's kindness to us, how He took us out of Egypt when we did not deserve it, gave us everything, and we followed Him like a lamb, with no defenses or merits of our own. 

Iyar, though, is the month of the bull. It's the month when, like the bull, we rebel and exert our power in a rebellious way. It is also the month when God withdraws His support from us, so that we can learn to walk by ourselves, supporting our own weight, like a mother letting go of her baby so he can learn to walk alone. Like the bull, in this month we can discover our own strength so that we can become ready to meet God as (almost) equals who stand on our own feet, a meeting which takes place in the month of Sivan, represented by the twins - Gemini, two individuals together. 

I can see where this timing could be taken to prove that the State of Israel/yom ha'atzmaut is a sign of our rebelliousness against God. And I can also see that it could be taken to mean that we were intended to discover the abilities and strengths which God gave us, to learn how to stand on our own feet before He meets us, like at Sinai, in a relationship which this time will never be broken.

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